We Are Doing This Wrong

I think we are doing this “love one another” thing wrong. The open letters to everybody, pointed angry fingers placing blame and trying to convince each other to cross over from the “dark side” of differing opinions seems to be the culprit and painful cutting of the chasm of division. And, it’s wide, y’all.


Everyone is scattered and scared. So, today I am pushing past fear to ask God to show me what I can do to love well in a wrecked and wounded world. I have a lot of questions, but more than anything I’m in a really good place to listen.


Has anyone ever saved the world with an angry fist? Gosh, I would really like to know.


How will anyone know that we are actually the loving ones who truly and deeply care for and shoulder concern for one another?


Another open letter? Nah.


Another rant and name calling on social media? Not hardly.


Another jab, meme, or confusing quote? Nope.




I can’t tell you how many times that I have wanted to take the “internet” away from some well-intentioned people who just seem kinda…mad. No, really mad.


We can either use social media, or it will use us. It will: Deflate us. Distract us. Defeat us. This has to stop because so many are bleeding and numb because of the pain they feel on the inside.


I felt myself sinking from the noise, I cried last night and this morning. Truth be told, I’m crying now because now more than ever this world needs a really good picture of what love without limits looks like. So, I got off Facebook and opened the Word of God because it’s alive and active and able to fix the broken things in our hearts, homes, and our world. This is where I turned asking how we as believers can be known as a loving people…not a judgey and gloating people.



“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13: 34-35 NKJV)



Jesus shares this passage with his disciples, but before that he washed their dirty feet in holy service to them. He washes their unclean feet and tells them that they are not quite there yet. They have yet to truly understand and comprehend what crucified, laying your life down for others, love is truly like. Even though it was hard for them to understand, they still felt comfortable enough to question the Jesus they knew, loved, and followed. Which gives me hope for all the questions being asked right now.



“What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.” (John 13: 7)



So…why are you doing this, Jesus?


Because I am giving you an example of a Savior who serves selflessly.


I turn to John 14 and fire returns to my bones for The Way, the Truth, and the Life. Hope swells as I read about answered prayer and that we could actually do greater works than the one who washed dirty feet and laid down his life. It’s too much to take in, but I believe it because he said it. Now, we just have to figure out how to live like that.


“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in my name, I will do it.” (John 14: 12-15)


I show fear the door because I have no more room in my soul-space as I continue reading in verse 16 about our “Helper” and that this helper dwells in us. (vs. 17)


My fear fades because he will not leave us orphans, alone or stranded. (vs. 18)


My hope becomes a little more sturdy with each passage and prayer. So, today I’m asking My Helper to show me how to love a little deeper in tangible ways. I pray that he will lead me to dirty feet and I’ll show them that I have dirty feet too…and maybe together we could wash and love and serve like Jesus did. Perhaps even lay down some pride and our “I told you so” to let love be how we are known.



We have a lot of work to do. I just want love you and for you to see the proof of that because I need you. And, you need a gutsy, Jesus-loving, excessively huggy friend who is in this with you.



Fighting for you, not with you.


So much love to you.


Jennifer Renee




3 responses to “We Are Doing This Wrong

  1. Jennifer– the world has made us believe that LOVE is sweet, kind and ever so easy. I propose that JESUS knew it was deep and reached the dirty essence of man. He did not shrink from being among the smelly, angry, mislead mob but rather walked among them and showed them the pure, true love of GOD. So I agree we do have ” this all wrong” when we follow the ways of the world. .. change our focus to HIM and guard our heart and mind from FB .
    always HIS, Marsha


    • I’m so glad that I look to his word, not the world, to anchor myself and my hope. So thankful that it tells me exactly what love is in 1 Cor 13, patient and kind, doesn’t behave rudely, or fail us…such a long list of attributes of God’s perfect love. Rejoicing in that today and everyday! ❤


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